Hearing Resources
- Consumer’s Guide to Hearing Aids
- Frequently Asked Questions
- How Hearing Works
- Different Types of Hearing Loss
- Hearing and Balance
- Musicians’ Hearing Loss and Prevention
- Tinnitus
- Video Library
- Ear Cleaning and Hearing Loss
- Hearing Doctor
- Hearing Test
Consumer’s Guide to Hearing Aids
Frequently Asked Questions
We answer some of the commonly asked questions associated with hearing care services as well as hearing aid products and accessories
How Hearing Works
Understanding how the ear works and how we hear is essential in properly diagnosing a hearing problem and how to approach treating that hearing loss.
Different Types of Hearing Loss
Hearing loss may be mild, moderate, moderately-severe, severe or profound and vary across pitches so it is important to understand the many different types of hearing loss.
Hearing and Balance
Dizziness is a symptom that can be caused by problems with the external, middle or inner ear. Proper hearing care can determine the cause of dizziness and how it can be treated.
Musicians’ Hearing Loss and Prevention
Musicians, from classical orchestras to rock groups, are exposed to high decibel ranges. Musicians suffer not just from hearing loss but also a ringing in their ears and various pitch-perception problems.
Tinnitus is a very common disorder that is an abnormal perception of a sound which is unrelated to an external source of stimulation. Many report it as being a constant ringing in the ears.
Video Library
We provide a library of videos to educate you on hearing aids, hearing aid maintenance and what to expect from a hearing aid exam.
Ear Cleaning and Hearing Loss
If your ears are feeling plugged and you feel that you need an ear cleaning, you are welcome to come to our office to have us check your ears. We will inspect your ears and can quickly let you know if you need an ear cleaning.
Hearing Doctor
A loss of hearing can affect your daily life in many ways. There are many reasons for hearing loss, but they all result in a diminished ability to easily complete tasks throughout your day. Reduced hearing not only affects you personally, but also impacts those around you when trying to communicate.
Hearing Test
Hearing loss is one of the most common afflictions impacting Americans today and yet most of us don’t do much to combat the condition. In order to get a better idea of your ear health, a basic hearing test to establish your hearing ability is recommended.