Call Today to test to determine if you can be helped by a hearing aid

San Leandro (510) 483-5422
Lafayette (925) 385-0735
Feel free to call either number to reach us!

If you are having medical issues with your ears, please see your personal physician or Ear Nose and Throat doctor prior to seeing us. We are not a medical facility and cannot diagnose medical issues. We are, however, happy to be your personal guide through the wilderness of hearing aids!

The Future of Hearing is Here

Contact Us

Please call us at either location, you can reach us any time at both numbers!

San Leandro, CA: (510) 483-5422
Lafayette, CA: (925) 385-0735

Or, if you have questions regarding any of our services or would like to schedule an appointment, feel free to fill out the form below and someone from our office will contact you at our earliest convenience. You may also reach out to our office manager directly by emailing [email protected]

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