Simple Tips for Hearing Aid Repairs
Hearing aids are delicate, yet powerful devices that enable people with hearing loss to enjoy some degree of restored hearing. Hearing aids are an important investment for those who suffer from hearing loss. In fact, an average pair of hearing aids costs roughly $4000-4500, for a middle-range pair.
Because hearing aids can be such a costly investment, it is important to understand how to maintain your hearing aids and, more importantly, what to do if you think something within the hearing aid is malfunctioning.
While hearing devices basically small computers, engineered with years of study and science behind them, there are a few steps hearing aid wearers can take to solve some common issues.
Check your switches
The first steps to take with malfunctioning hearing aids are pretty common sense. For example, make sure the hearing aid is turned on. While this seems simple, sometimes hearing aids can get turned off while taking them out of or inserting them into the ear canal. Furthermore, just like with any new routine, it can take some time to become familiar and natural with your hearing aid wearing routine; it isn’t uncommon for individuals to forget to turn them on.
Turn up the volume
Another simple task is to check the volume; is it turned up enough? Volume control is just one of the many features hearing aids have; as such, many times these features — just like the on/off switch — can be adjusted accidentally. Always check the volume right after turning the hearing aids on, before inserting them into the ear canal.
Test your hearing aid battery
A third simple step is to check the battery. Just like any electronic, a hearing aid’s battery will eventually die. A good practice to add into your hearing aid wearing routine is taking the batteries out at night. This step helps ensure the battery is placed into the compartment correctly. It can also provide an opportunity to recharge your batteries, if your hearing aids come equipped with rechargeable ones.
If your hearing aid does not have a rechargeable battery and the devices still fail to work, consider changing the battery. Keep in mind that a hearing aid battery lasts between one to three weeks, depending on the hearing aid type, battery type and capacity, as well as the amount the hearing aids are used.
Call your hearing professional
If you work through the above tips and still notice your hearing aid isn’t working properly, give your hearing care provider a call. Your hearing specialist will be able to check your hearing aid for any issues you might be experiencing and will be able to recommend possible fixes or even repair your devices.